Coeliac Disease or Wheat Intolerance?

 Coeliac Disease vs Wheat Intolerance

15-20% of the world population suffer symptoms including diarrhoea, bloating, cramps, gas, weight loss when consuming food containing gluten such as cereals, bread, rye, cakes, beer etc. While most get on with their life by avoiding or reducing this type of food, many others no matter what, complain with their doctor and are eventually prescribed a Coeliac screen. Those screening positive may then have a biopsy of the lining of the small intestine to confirm Coeliac disease and only a gluten free diet will help them live a normal life. However, statistics show that less than 1% of the world population is diagnosed with Coeliac disease. The golden question is, 'what is wrong with the rest who suffer so much?' And for this question there are two answers. 1 is they got a false negative result, or 2 these people are not Coeliac but simply wheat intolerant.

Avoiding a false negative result

When for several years I worked in a London hospital screening for Coeliac patients we took the utmost care to avoid false results (positive or negative). We have controls in place to guarantee a true value like on our website. The test involves measuring the concentration of antibodies (proteins) the person produces against the gluten protein found in wheat. Persons who do not suffer from Coeliac have a very low level if not zero of antibody value, while those who are Coeliac have a high level.

If someone is Coeliac and goes for the test but has not eaten any food containing gluten for several days, the antibody level would be down, creating a false negative result. Therefore to avoid this, it is essential that for some days before going for the test you consume some food containing gluten. This helps the immune system of Coeliac persons to raise the antibody level to its true value. If it concerns children, first please seek advice.

Wheat Intolerance

This is the other answer, and thankfully is not as bad as being diagnosed with Coeliac, however, the symptoms are equally irritating. It affects 15-20% of the world population, with most unaware of the real cause of the symptoms. Wheat intolerance, also called Non Coeliac Gluten Intolerance (NCGI) is caused when the digestive system is unable to break down properly food containing gluten. Gluten remains in the system and sort of irritates the digestive system without causing further damage as Coeliac does. Coeliac screen will always result as negative because these persons do not produce antibodies luckily. Fortunately, digestive enzymes are available to help break it down and avoid the symptoms. Glutenzyme Plus, available from the products page contains the necessary enzymes to break gluten down. It has transformed the lives of thousands of people worldwide. Go to Products  »»

Unlike Coeliac disease Wheat Intolerance does not cause any damage to the lining of the guts but the symptoms are similar to those of Coeliac disease. Coeliac disease is caused when the gluten protein found in foods derived from wheat, barley, oats and rye trigger the immune system to attack the delicate lining of the small intestine that absorbs nutrients and vitamins. The lining of the guts also releases enzymes to break down food components such as lactose the sugar found in milk. Lack of these enzymes leaves the food in the guts unabsorbed which is then broken down by the bacteria living in the large intestine. These bacteria make a feast of this undigested food and produce gases, resulting in wind, flatulence, cramps, diarrhoea and great discomfort. These are all symptoms related to food intolerance as well. You may find it helpful to read about Lactose Intolerance as well because they can be related and there is also a product that works superbly for Lactose Intolerance and since most persons with Wheat Intolerance suffer also from Lactose Intolerance a combination of these two products will help them get a normal life. Lactose Intolerance »»

Glutenzyme Plus

Food is broken down by enzymes in the saliva, stomach acid and by several enzymes released into the small intestine. Insufficient enzymes leave the food indigestible, hence unabsorbed. Undigested food is then feasted upon by bacteria living in the guts, releasing large quantities of gas resulting in wind and cramps. Moreover, the undigested food acts as a magnet to fluids from our body and water is retracted into the guts. The gas combined with the fluid lead to diarrhoea and flatulence.

Supplementing our diet with the right enzymes help breaking down the food and avoid the symptoms. In wheat intolerance Glutenzyme Plus does exactly this, it breaks down the gluten to avoid the symptoms described above. Glutenzyme is manufactured in UK under UK and European quality control. It is derived from plant and vegetables hence suitable also for vegans. It also contains Lactobacillus acidophilus to aid normal digestion and help re-establish normal intestinal micro flora. This may change your life so get it now.


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